Veterinary Research & Biological Products is a scientific journal accredited by the Office of Research Planning and Policy, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, which is published by Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute pursuing the Veterinary Journal (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi). Throughout evaluation and publish of manuscripts, it is tried to provide a platform for dissemination and easily accessibility of innovative, high quality research works from national researchers in the field of veterinary medicine and related sciences, as well as biological products with medical and veterinary applications. (aims and scope)

Veterinary Research and Biological Products as one of the most reliable and long-standing publications in the field of veterinary medicine and biological products is published quarterly with online open access to full articles of all issues since 1988. Accepted articles are indexed in reputable national and international databases. All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blinded peer-review process. Review, acceptance and publication process complies with the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Hamyab similarity checking system is also used to evaluate originality of submitted manuscripts. 

Currently, processing, acception and publication of articles in the Journal of Veterinary Research and Biological Products are free of charge. 

Current Issue: Volume 37, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 2-69 

Disinfectants effective in reducing Staphylococcus aureus contamination in dairy products.

Pages 21-30


Mahmoud Kohneh Poushi; Elham Azadfar; Dabir Sharifi; Negar Piri; Kimia Bahrami Nejad

Phylogenetic and serological assessment of avian metapneumovirus in broiler flocks of Qazvin province

Pages 31-39


Mostafa Gholizadeh Gigloo; forough talazadeh; Ramezan Ali Jafari; Arash Galyanchi Langroodi

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