Guide for Authors

Submission Instructions

Instructions to Authors 

  Submission of Manuscripts. Papers should be submitted online via URL: Submission of a manuscript to Veterniar Journal implies that (a) it has not previously been published, (b) that is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. The Manuscript should be submitted in English as Ms-Word. 


  Types of Articles. The journal publishes review, mini-review, full research papers, Brief communication and case report formats.

  Preparation of manuscripts. All manuscripts should be typed clearly (font size 12 points, Times New Roman) The instruction given below should be followed carefully:

  1. Title, containing (a) the title of paper, (b) name(s) of author(s), (c) institution(s) and full contact address including telephone and fax number, and E.mail address of the corresponding author. Superscript number should be used to link author with institution, an asterisk (*) to refer to the corresponding author.

  2. Abstract , no longer than 200 words immediately after the title.

  2.1. For Persian authors only:

  Please send the following items in Persian in addition to English, Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Absract and Keywords.

  3. A brief Introduction.

  4. Materials and Methods section.

  5. Results section.

  6. Discussion section without repetition of the results.

  7. Acknowledgements section, if required.

  8. Ethics section should be included.

  9. Conflict of Interests should be stated.

  10. Informed Consent, if required

  11.References section which should be listed alphabetically and expressed as indicated below:

  Jimenez, M., Huerta, T. and Mateo, R. (1997). Mycotoxin production by Fusarium species isolated from bananas. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63: 364-369.

  Olds, R.J. (1983). A Colour Atlas of Microbiology (5th edn.). London; Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd.

  Rhodes , J.C. and Kwong-Chung, K.J. (1991). Identification of agents of systemic mycoses. In: E.G.V. Evans (Ed.), Medical Mycology a Practical Approach (2nd edn.). Pp: 141-170. IRL Press, Oxford University Press, England.

  When references are made to two or more papers by the same author(s) in the same year, they should be labeled a, b, etc. after the year of publication. Journal titles should be given in full and italic. References within the text should be appearing as (Pore 1990), (Pore & Shahan 1987), (Shahan et al 1996) or (Warnock 1989b).

  Tables and Figures. All the tables and figuers should be numbered and have a short descriptive heading. Any footnotes should be indicated with superscript a, b, etc.

  Reviews and Mini-Reviews. The first requirement for accepting a review article is that the corresponding authors must have at least 3 research articles quoted in the reference list of the review. Reviews should objectively chronicle recent and important developments.

  Mini Reviews will generally be about 8-10 typed pages. A full review including Tables and Figures is limited to 25 typed pages.

  Brief Communications. Should has the same layout as full papers, including the use of the headings Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References. It should not more than five tables and or figures.

  Case Report. Should contain Abstract, Introduction, Case history, Discussion (no more than 250 words), Acknowledgments and References. It should not more than five tables and or figures.

    Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

  Ethics. Manuscripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies should contain a statement that the study has been carried out with ethical committee approval.

  Conflict of Interests. Submitting a manuscript must be accompanied with a statement from the authors disclosing all financial and personnel relationship that might bias their work if any.

  Informed Consent of the patients participating in the study should be under taken.

    Process of evaluating the paper: Archives of Razi Institute is a peer reviewed journal. All manuscripts will be acknowledged upon presenting to the journal office, provided that all stated requirements are met. Method of the peer-review exercise is based on product based.

  Proofs. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to check very carefully. Proofs should be returned within two weeks.

  Offprint. Ten free offprint together with a complete copy of the relevant journal issue are supplied free of charge.


Obligations for Authors & Reviewers

Authors and reviewers are obliged to consider COPE (,ICMJE ( and Equator Network’s reporting guidelines in medical ethics plus scientific writing.