Effect of Hormesis (Biphasic Effects) of Probiotic Biologic Product with Increasing of its Levels in Farahani Lambs

Document Type : Full Research Paper


Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arak University


Small ruminants are one of the main sources of income for rural farmers. Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting income sustainability in this industry.  This study was designed to investigate the effects of different level of Bio-Rumina as a probiotic supplement on performance, growth and blood metabolites of Farahani lambs. Lambs were divided into three groups including: Group 1: control (no supplementation ), treatment 1: one gram of Bio-Rumina supplementation (low level), treatment 2: two gram of Bio-Rumina supplementation (high level).The results of this study showed that high level of Bio-Rumina supplementation had negative effects on serum concentration of liver enzymes (alkaline phosphatase) and glucose. These effects were similar to Hormesis (biphasic) effects  which lambs receiving Bio-Rumina in high level had lower average daily gain, final body weight and feed efficiency compared with other groups. However, low level of Bio-Rumina supplementation had  positive effects on the final body weight of the lambs. In general, Bio-Rumina supplementation in low level could improve performance and final body weight in Farahani lambs.


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