Amyloodinium ocellatum (Brown, 1931) (Dinoflagellata) infestations in ornamental fish (Amphiprion xanthurus) imported into Iran

Document Type : Full Research Paper


Expert for survey, challenge and care against diseases of aquatic animals, Veterinary Administration of Tehran Province


In July of 2014 in one of the Released centers saltwater aquarium fish, mortality In Amphiprion xanthurus imported from africa into iran was observed. Aquarium water temperature 27 ° C, pH 8.2, ammonia and nitrite are zero, the average salt concentration of 1.018 (based on density) and carbonate hardness was 10 Submit. Symptoms include loss of appetite, white spots on the skin such as sprinkling dust on the part of the skin, loss of balance, and finally falling into the dock at the bottom of the aquarium and dyspnea were seen. Examples of infected fish was sent back to the lab. Samples taken from the surface of the skin and gill of host fish and examined by light microscopy. Flagellated unicellular parasites (Amiloodinium ocellatum) were identified and isolated from the skin and gills of fish. Parasite is non-specific in its host selection and wide variety of marine and brackish water fish pollute. The parasite is relatively resistant to the chemicals used to treat and tolerate a wide range of salinity and temperature fluctuations. This is the first report of Amiloodinium acellatum in Iran.


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