Antibacterial effect of etanolic extract of honeybee propolis on the Paenibacillus larvae larvae (causative agent of honeybee American foulbrood disease)

Document Type : Full Research Paper


Razi Vaccine and Serum Institute Karaj, Iran


Antibacterial effects of honeybee propolis tested on the Paenibacillus larvae larvae, cause of honeybee American Foulbrood disease. After cultivation of bacterium in special medium we used of two antibacterial susceptibility tests: Broth Dilution Susceptibility Test and Paper Disk Susceptibility Test. In the B.D.S.T 0.32 milligrams/ml and higher concentrations of propolis inhibited growth of this bacterium completely and in the P.D.S.T paper disk that contained 0.01 to 0.1 miligrams of propolis made a growth inhibition zone about 5- 18 mm in diameter around them. These results show that produced propolis in Iran has an acceptable antibacterial effects on the P.larvae larvae and may be useful in A.F.B treatments in honeybee hives.

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