Author = B. Ghabosi
The First Report on Bovine Herpes Virus Type 4.

Volume 9, Issue 2, July 1996, Pages 122-123


R. Kargar; B. Ghaboosi; M. Hesami; T. Taghipour bazargani; k. Khedmati; A. Asadian; R. Sarmast; A. Bakhtiari

A Review on Border Disease and Reporting Some Cases of Hydranancephaiy and Arthrogryposis in Sheep Fetus.

Volume 9, Issue 1, April 1996, Pages 134-137


M.R. Gholami; P. Ahoraei; A. Ezzi; M. Emami; M.H. Hablolvarid; B. Ghabosi; R. Kargar; K. Khedmati

Seroepidemloiogical Study of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in lran

Volume 9, Issue 1, April 1996, Pages 174-176


R. kargar; M. Hesami; P. Ahoraei; B. Ghaboosi; K. Khedmati; A. Ezzi; R. Pour zahedi; R. Sarmast

The Application of CF and Hi Test for the Serological Diagnosis of Rinderpest.

Volume 9, Issue 4, January 1996, Pages 84-85


S. Haghighi; B. Ghaboosi; M. Hesami; A. Eslami; S.H Hosseini

A Report on Existance and Occurance of BVD/MD in Dairy Farms Around Tehran.

Volume 8, Issue 3, October 1995, Pages 116-120


R. Kargar moakhar; P. Ahoraei; M. Hesami; T. Taghipour bazargani; M.R. Gholami; K. Khedmati; B. Ghabosi; M.R. Jahangiri

Recent Advances on Rinderpest Vaccine.

Volume 7, Issue 4, January 1994, Pages 110-113


F. Baghi baghban; B. Ghabosi